Bio from the Back of the Book

Welcome to my Blog!

I was born in the Chicago area, grew up in Central Washington, and then after a brief stint in Western Pennsylvania landed in Portland, Oregon for the past decade-plus. I’m a single-woman with a few plants, a few kids (that I borrow from friends when I want to play Legos or My Little Pony), and a few pairs of running shoes under the bed.

The hardest part of any journey is just getting started. To paraphrase John Bingham, being at the starting line can be a miracle. So that’s what this blog is all about. Being at the starting line of different challenges and taking that first step forward. I’ll be writing a lot about running, some stories that have been floating around in my head, and the journey of graduate school to graduation to #WhatsNext.

If you’re a runner (or want to be), then read along about the strength to start, fail, and start again.

If you’re a writer (or want to be), then check out the writing prompts I’m using or the short stories I create, and see how your imagination gets sparked.

And if you’re a lifelong learner (and we all should be), then follow my posts and learn with me.

The stories in these pages began a few months before I completed my seminary degree (which was my second masters degree and I thought my final time in formal education). Cut to a few years, and many many many pages later, and I am once again within sight of a graduation stage, this time for a PhD. The question that started this blog remains its underlying focus: #WhatsNext. But instead of just trying to answer that question for myself, I write to share my journey in hopes that my past, present, and future chapters will help your story too.